Lokmanch – Satara Municipal Corporation, Competition entry

Government Institutions were once designed at monumental scales, perhaps to inspire the citizens they were meant to serve. Over time the this resultant impervious, opaque and domineering presence of the institutional building has only served to distance the citizen from the institution. The proposal for the Municipal Building of Satara attempts to rework the physical nature & experience of the institution. Imbibing abstracted ideals from the defining features of Satara including the seven hills the Kaas plateau, step well, rajwada and the fort our project is inspired by the setting and context of the city.

Welspun Corporate Office

The design for the Welspun Energy head office in Mumbai mimics traditional village open space/courtyard structures in an attempt to create non-hierarchical social spaces that encourage dialogue between the staff.


Our proposal attempts to ground the project by linking it to projective networks of transportation, housing as imagined by the Development Plan of the city.

Concrete Void

The concrete void in Navi Mumbai, is designed as a relief from the experience of this existing impervious precinct mass. The design challenges the perception of factories being associated with corrugated sheets as built fabrics and plays with the complexities of solid and void of the program.